The Lotus Elise Cup 250 Final Edition, known as ‘Firefly’, embarked on an exciting new adventure today. Robert Ellerington and Jonathan Gorman have started a 5000-mile road trip across Europe with the car. Stay tuned for a detailed account of their journey in a future article. But for now, they need your assistance.
Since its departure from the factory on February 28, 2022, the final Elise Cup 250 has been racking up the miles. The car was initially driven by Shmee150 for the first 1000 miles and has since undergone its 5000-mile service.
[Watch their journey video here](
As Rob and Jon kicked off their grand European tour this morning, they discovered that the tires were down to just 2 mm of tread. While Lotus Antwerp has offered to install a new set, the duo is on the lookout for Yokohama A052 tires, which are apparently scarce in Europe. If you happen to have a spare set or know of someone who could assist them, kindly reach out to them via @oneelevencars.
Image Source: One Eleven Cars @ YouTube