While certain car colors such as silver, black and white can look decent if not great, on most cars, others like purple, orange, green and yellow are more challenging to execute well. There is a reason why yellow cars are less likely to be stolen than silver. Yellow is a bold, bright and in-your-face color that demands your attention. If you drive a crapmobile then you’ll probably want to steer away from anything, including a yellow paint job, guaranteeing unwanted attention.
When people think of yellow cars, many may think of taxis, or even exotic supercars. Although, never a popular car color, yellow has in fact been offered since the dawn of the automobile in the late 1800’s. For example, the 1895 Chicago Benton Harbor Autocycle and the 1898 Fisson Tonneau 8HP were available in a vibrant yellow. Our list of yellow cars is limited to these vintage and classic cars that look great wearing yellow paint. For more information about transporting classic cars go to A1 Auto Transport .com.
Go ahead and post a comment below and let us know your favorites and which yellow cars should have made this list.