This groundbreaking vehicle from Romanian manufacturer Ghe-O Motors is revolutionizing emergency response capabilities, particularly in challenging terrains and rescue missions.
The aptly named Rescue vehicle, weighing 3.2 tons, is designed with a water pump and a 620-liter tank, catering to the unique needs of emergency services. Entrepreneur Robert Operea, inspired by his hands-on experience in disaster relief operations and passion for off-road vehicle construction, conceptualized this exceptional car.
Robert explained, “We own a security company involved in disaster rescue missions like floods and fires, along with competing in national off-road championships. The hurdles faced while navigating extreme terrains during rescues with conventional vehicles like Jeeps, Humvees, and Land Rovers sparked the idea for the Rescue car.”
This model has proven its efficacy in real-world scenarios, reflecting the need for a more adaptable and efficient approach to emergency response. Robert emphasized, “While there are cars specialized in climbing walls or traversing snow and water, and others for carrying passengers, only the Ghe-O Rescue combines all these capabilities in one vehicle.”
Image Source: Motor1